Visions of ECS beyond 2030

Electronic Components and Systems long term value chain challenges

The scientific bodies of the 3 Industry Associations AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA and EPoSS are currently working on the annual update of the Long Term Vision chapter of the ECS Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). The objective of this chapter is to identify the research subjects that need to be addressed now at low TRL level, as foundation and preparation for developments in  European industry over the next decade. As the lead time from scientific breakthrough to the market launch of a product based on this approach is  typically above 10 years, it is essential to detect the early signs of emerging industrial trends to feed the “innovation pipeline”  ensuring the future success of European economy and society.

A workshop is therefore organised online, to give the ECS community at large the opportunity to learn about the topics and priorities as identified so far, and bring their own contribution to this chapter.


The workshop will start with the leaders of the Long Term Vision chapter of the ECS SRIA providing the audience with an overview of the main trends and ideas that they plan to address in the version of this year. This will complemented by inputs gathered during the KDT workshops organized in May and June by the 3 industry associations. The major part of the workshop will then be devoted to specific presentations on trends in digitalisation as well as on status and expected advances in the contributing key technologies by renowned experts. A Q&A session with the audience will follow, before the main ideas exchanged during the session are summarized to conclude the workshop.


This programme is preliminary to changes. 




09.30 Introduction by moderator Patrick Cogez, AENEAS
09.35 Main ideas under development in the Long Term Vision Chapter Dimitrios Serpanos, Chair, ARTEMIS Scientific Council 
10.00 Inputs as derived from the KDT Workshop Sven Rzepka, Chair EPoSS Key Technology working group
Contributions from invited speakers
10.10 Quantum technologies Heike Riel, IBM Research
10.25 Integrated photonics Dries Van Thourhout, Ghent University
10.40 Flexible electronics Ralf Zichner, Fraunhofer ENAS/ OE-A
10.55 Smart Networks and Services long term ECS requirements Alexandros Kaloxylos, 5G Infrastructure Association
11.20 Linking HW and SW for AI Elisa Vianello, CEA-LETI
11.35 TransContinuum Initiative Michael Malms, mm-it4you
11.50 Open Source HW and RISC-V Luca Benini, University Bologna and ETHZ
12.05 Q&A and collecting inputs from the audience 
12.25 Wrap up by moderator Patrick Cogez, AENEAS


Participation to the Consultation workshop is free of charge and on invite only.



aeneas programs

